Read our corporate governance statement and sustainability pledge.


Chapel Down Group PLC complies with the Quoted Companies Alliance Corporate Governance Code provisions for small and mid-size quoted companies (“QCA Code”) to the extent that the Board considers appropriate having regard to the Company’s size, board structure, stage of development and resources. This information was reviewed on the 22nd January 2025.

Articles of Association (December 2023) 


BANKERS: National Westminster Bank plc (Natwest) - 250 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4AA

AUDITORS: Crowe UK LLP - Riverside House, 40-46 High Street, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1JH 

REGISTRARS: Link Group - Unit 10, Central Square, 29 Wellington Street, Leeds LS1 4DL 

NOMINATED ADVISER AND BROKER: Singer Capital Markets - 1 Bartholomew Ln, London

SOLICITORS: Cripps LLP - 22 Mount Ephraim Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN4 8AS


As winemakers, at Chapel Down we think not just in years but in generations. We take long term positions on land with long views on its management in order that we can continue to produce our exceptional wines. The sustainability of our operations is important to us as a business and to us all as individuals. And we apply the same long-term perspective to all our activities across the Chapel Down Group. We are proud to be founder members of the Sustainable Wines of Great Britain Scheme which promotes sustainable practices across the industry.