Company information and how to become a Chapel Down shareholder


Chapel Down is England's leading and largest winemaker and the power brand of English wine, the world's newest international wine region. From its home in Kent in the heart of the Garden of England, Chapel Down produces a range of sparking and still wines which consistently win prestigious international awards for their quality. The Company owns, leases and sources from over 1,000 acres of vineyards in South East England, of which 750 acres are fully productive. The Company generates revenue from off-trade, on-trade, export, and direct to consumer e-commerce and retail sales.

Buying Shares

Shares in Chapel Down Group PLC (CDGP) are traded on the AIM market.
A list of AIM approved brokers can be found below.


Chapel Down Group PLC currently has 171,524,316 ordinary shares with a nominal value of £0.05 in issue. No shares are held in treasury.
The percentage of AIM securities not public hands is 42.8% - as of 31/12/2024.

Interest of significant shareholders in the issued share capital (over 3% of ordinary shares) of the Company – as of 24/02/2025:

Number of Ordinary Shares
% of Issued Share Capital
Name IPGL & Michael Spencer
Number of Ordinary Shares 46,773,821 (Note 1)
% of Issued Share Capital 27.3%
Name Nigel Wray
Number of Ordinary Shares 23,631,970 (Note 2)
% of Issued Share Capital 13.8%
Name Adrian Bridge
Number of Ordinary Shares 6,335,571 (Note 3)
% of Issued Share Capital 3.7%
Note 1: Includes 178,571 ordinary shares held by Lord Spencer Of Alresford, beneficial owner of IPGL, in his own name

Note 2: Of the above total, 21,195,571 Ordinary Shares are held by family trusts whose beneficiaries are Nigel Wray's children. The balance of Ordinary Shares represents Nigel Wray's beneficial holding.

Note 3: Of the 6,335,571 ordinary shares held by Adrian Bridge, 5,135,571 ordinary shares are held by Bridgeport Investments Limited, a company that Adrian Bridge and family are beneficiaries of, with the balance held through Banco Santander Totta.

There are additionally 14,521,472 shares held via Seedrs on behalf of investors who participated in Seedrs fundraising campaigns in 2014, 2015 and 2021. Seedrs is the nominee holder.

Directors Shareholding as at 03.02.2025:

Number of Ordinary Shares
% of Issued Share Capital
Name Nigel Wray
Number of Ordinary Shares 23,631,970
% of Issued Share Capital 13.8%
Name Robert Smith
Number of Ordinary Shares 2,074,230 (Note 4)
% of Issued Share Capital 1.2%
Name James Brooke
Number of Ordinary Shares 493,806
% of Issued Share Capital 0.3%
Name Martin Glenn
Number of Ordinary Shares 283,472
% of Issued Share Capital 0.2%
Name Michael Spencer
Number of Ordinary Shares 178,571 (Note 5)
% of Issued Share Capital 0.1%
Name Samantha Wren
Number of Ordinary Shares 135,552
% of Issued Share Capital 0.1%
Note 4: Of the above total, 215,388 shares are held by the spouse and children of Robert Smith

Note 5: Lord Spencer Of Alresford is the beneficial owner of IPGL, who hold a further 46,595,250 ordinary shares.

Company Information

Chapel Down Group plc 

Registered Office: Chapel Down Winery, Small Hythe, Tenterden, Kent, TN30 7NG

Registration number 04362181

Chapel Down Group plc is incorporated in, and its main country of operations is the United Kingdom.  

Chapel Down Group plc shares are not traded, or admitted to be traded, on any exchanges or trading platforms other than the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange. There are currently no restrictions on the transfer of securities.  

The Company is subject to the UK City Code on Takeover and Mergers. 

Last updated 23rd January 2025. 


While Chapel Down Group PLC takes every precaution as regards the content and presentation of information on any part of this website, no warranty is given as to the completeness or accuracy of the information given.  While the Company takes reasonable care to ensure the accuracy of the information on its website, it shall not be held responsible for any losses or liabilities arising from the use of the information. No information on this site constitutes, or shall be deemed to constitute, an invitation or recommendation to invest or otherwise deal in the Company’s shares or any other securities of the Company. Nor does the information constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any such shares or securities. For the purpose of the UK Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, nothing contained in this site is a 'financial promotion' nor does any statement constitute investment advice.